Changing From Dashicons to Font Awesome

This theme originally came with Dashicons for the top part of the site where the social media icons were. But I had to change it to Font Awesome.

Incase you guys don’t know, Dashicons was built into WordPress natively. The icons you see on the admin panel and admin bar are what’s powered by Dashicons.

However, for my need, Dashicons were very limited on what icon it supports compared to Font Awesome which regularly updated from time to time.

First, I’ve downloaded all the files that I need from another theme that had the Font Awesome “icon fonts” and transfered to this theme. Then using functions.php to pinpoint to the correct CSS file.

Next, I’ve added the font family through CSS for Font Awesome. Since I’m using the social icons, I’ve added the social tag instead. Then, I’ve updated all the necessary icons I want which were missing previously.

Then I looked up for the list of icons on their website and change the numbers from Dashicons’ to Font Awesome’s and now is working.

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